Leagues, Organizations & Associations:
The PSAL Homepage
The official website of the PSAL has a basketball section that includes player profiles, statistics and league boxscores and standings!
PSAL Wingate Fund
This site includes PSAL Hall of Fame and Heisman PSAL Wingate Award Information!
New York State Public High Schools Athletic Association
Basketball Coaches Association of New York
Everything imaginable related to New York State basketball!
Internet Sites:
Five Boro Sports
The most in depth hs sports coverage on the net!
The New York Daily News
HS Sports Coverage by boros on Tuesdays!
The New York Post
Occasional PSAL Hoops Coverage!
The Staten Island Advance
PSAL Hoops Coverage of Staten Island!
Times Ledger Newspapers
Does an excellent job covering HS sports in Queens!
The Queens Chronicle
More great coverage in Queens!
Your Nabe- Bronx Sports
Great HS sports coverage from the Bronx!
Your Nabe- Brooklyn Sports
Great HS sports coverage from the Brooklyn!
Automotive HS Basketball
Click here or on Auto Basketball to the left!
Van Buren HS Basketball
A fan based site!
Lehman Sports
Dedicated to Lehman basketball & other sports!
FDA Basketball
Dedicated to FDA basketball & academics!
Best Sports
Dedicated to Clinton HS Basketball 1965-1967!
New York, New Jersey High Hoops
The absolute best site for local hoop junkies!
New York City Sporting News
Covers top AA programs during the season!
The History Of New York City Basketball
Not a bad site for reading, hasn't been updated in awhile though!